Ahalya’s Awakening by Kavita Kané

Author : Kavita Kané
Publisher : Westland
Genre : Mythology, Contemporary Fiction
My ratings : 5 stars

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Indian mythology just makes me so uptight and vanquished realizing that this world is just so cruel to women in all aspects.
From a princess who just wants to gain knowledge to someone falling and marring the man she loves, transforming into a doting wife and mother and then finally into the person who ventures into the search of finding her true self, Ahalya’s Awakening depicts it in a breathtaking and painful way.
This book holds layers of patriarchy which helps us understand the facet of the society. I am pretty sure we can still relate to them even in today’s world. All the characters are being portrayed with intricate qualities that define their core of action in the narration. What I enjoyed the most was the way the author just showed how much layers each character carried and you won’t be able to brand them as good or evil.
Ahalya is a simple girl, who can be seen even in today’s world as well. A girl labeled as beautiful by society will only be marriage material and it’s funny how everyone gives her the power to choose. A suitable groom! She is flawed but has the power to take actions and repercussions for the same.
Even though the story is simple, the story definitely deserves a read. The author has done a great job of retelling the story of one of the powerful women of all time.

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Ahalya’s Awakening

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